Does anyone have any tips or tutorials for skinning window frames as i am at my wits end
I have spent days trying to slice up an image and am getting nowhere.
The images are always in the wrong place - the start menu was easy to slice but this is a nightmare
Failing the slice method i try to just take the default image for example frame_top and draw other images over it
Its time consuming but works for a while but takes an age to line everything up.
Also every so often when importing an image it will all just squash and you cannot get it back to normal
Even importing the original image again exactly how it was does nothing - this was similar to the start menu problem i had earler
I have never in my life used such a buggy program as skin studio 6
I am very close to giving up until something better is made...
Has anyone made any sliced up PNG templates or have any good pixel lengths / settings
Thanks in advance